divendres, 23 de novembre del 2012

A famous singer living in the Caribbean

1-What are your dream?
My dream is to be a famous singer and live in the Caribbean.
2- What are the challenges you may find?
My challenges are like as people sing to the point of being famous and having enough money to buy a house in the Caribbean.
3-What solution can you think of?
My solution is to work hard and think positive.

Hi, I’m Mireia and I’m talking my dream. I've always sung, I always liked to sing. When I was young I sang in front of 1000 people. My dream is to be a famous singer and live in the Caribbean. But I have to be famous to please people and make money for a house. My goals are to work hard.

Present continuous- talking
Present simple- are
Past simple- Sung
Past continuous- I’ve 


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