divendres, 28 de setembre del 2012


Hi, my name's Mireia and now i'm talking abou my last summer. First i'm going to talk about my week in l'Albera, second i'm going to talk abou my 3 weeks in Estartit, and finally i'm going to talk about of the last days of my summer in Banyoles.

I stayed 1 week in l'Albera, a holiday camp in la Jonquera. I went with my friends. In there it was very funny, because every day we playing a different game. The zone of house situation was very windy. In morning, we were playing a funny game, and then we were go to the swimming pool. The problem was the water it was very cold, but in general, all of the things were very great.

I stayed 3 weeks in l'estartit, a very nice place. In there i was in my apartment. Every year i'm going there with my family, it's very funny, because in there i have a good friends. Every day we get up at 12 o'clock. Then we go to the garden, where there are a swimming pool, also we go to the beach. The water temperature it's perfect. We have lunch at 4 o'clock. Then we sleeping a quiet moment we go again in the garden. I have dinner at 10 o'clock and then i meet with my freinds and we go to the village where we eat an ice cream. Every summer pass very fast in there.

The last days i stayed in banyoles. In there i was finished my homework, i bought the material school and i prepared my bag. Also i met with my friends.



Did you use any resources? Yes, I use a PowerPoint.

Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes, I think the resources were very attractive and complete.

Did you show/talk about the photos to the audience?  Yes, but I didn't speak much about the photos.


Did you look at your audience most of the time? Yes, but also I looked the camera.

Did you read from your notes? No, except the last minutes I readed a fast moment. 

Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of  your audience? No much.


Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes, of corse!  

Did you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear?  Yes.

Which ones?  First i'm going to talk about...second...finally..


Did you introduce interesting  information to your audience?  Yes, I introduce a lot of interesting things.

Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the internet/books...? No, all of the information were in my head.

Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? My information was superficial.


Did you check your grammar?  Yes.

Did you use rich/new vocabulary looking up the dictionary? Yes, on internet dictionary.

Which ones? Vebs, activities...

Did you use sentence linkers? Yes. Also, later..

Did you use fillers? Yes, for example, well...


-Did you know how to pronounce all your words? Yes, I did.
-Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? With the teacher.

-Did you change your tone of voice or use monotone all the time? I changed my tone but only some times.
-Did you speed in fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? I think I spoke with a fluid continuum.
You are the teacher! What mark did you get? ;-)  I think I did it good so I put my self a 6,5.

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